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Last Saved: 04/18/2021 07:10:06 PM

Star Wars Rebels Sticker Collection

Nav Bhamra
Joined: 2 Jun 2007
Status: Swaps Swap!
Reviews +1 -0
 Details: This sticker collection from Topps captures all the action and excitement from the eagerly anticipated series, Star Wars rebels. Introducing all the Rebels such as Kanan Jattus, Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren and many more, this collection is sure to be a big hit over 200 stickers to collect. Released October 2014
  Book: 1


Album  1 to 198 Show / Hide
26, 101, 176, 127, 177, 3, 28, 128, 4, 79, 154, 5, 105, 130, 155, 6, 31, 81, 131, 181, 57, 132, 182, 33, 83, 108, 9, 84, 10, 135, 160, 61, 111, 136, 186, 12, 137, 162, 187, 63, 88, 113, 163, 188, 39, 89, 139, 40, 90, 16, 41, 66, 17, 42, 67, 92, 142, 167, 192, 18, 43, 68, 118, 193, 19, 69, 94, 119, 169, 45, 70, 120, 170, 46, 96, 121, 146, 47, 72, 97, 172, 197, 23, 73, 148, 24, 49, 74, 25, 125, 150, 175
Poster  P1 to P9 Show / Hide
P2, P4, P6, P3, P7

Number Needed: 97 wanted

Album  1 to 198 Show / Hide
76, 126, 52, 53, 103, 106, 156, 32, 8, 133, 183, 134, 35, 11, 36, 62, 112, 38, 14, 64, 114, 189, 115, 190, 91, 166, 191, 143, 20, 21, 71, 196, 122, 99, 124
Poster  P1 to P9 Show / Hide
P8, P10

Number of swaps: 37 + 0 = 37

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